Saturday, December 5, 2009

"im in a mental institution. I win"

So its a saterday night and following the lack of sleep i got last night and the day i spent having my teeth driled on top of the snow storm were having i decide to spend it sitting on my couch watching tv. Being ever the multi tasker im also on aim. I get an im from a guy that i had, well i wouldnt say i dated him because there was no dating involved so i guess i just was banging him off and on. We'll call him...crazy, because that what he is. Anyway the last real conversation we had ended with me having been totally frustrated with him basically telling him to go fuck himself and him trying to make me feel like the worlds worst person. That was six months ago. In these past 6 months id spoken to him twice, once because he called me to tell me he was parked next to the oscar mayer weiner mobile ( somehow i feel like thats bull because i dont think that exists) and once because when i was doing intense cleaning of my room i found some of his stuff and emailed him to see if he wanted it. So tonite he ims me. the conversation goes alot like this Crazy "hey" me " hey, whatsup?" crazy "nothing getting bored here" me "same here its cold" crazy "im in a mental institution. I win" me "...i wasnt trying to win anything... im sorry?".
Seriously what the fuck? are there no normal men left in this world. I met crazy when during my first semester of community college. He was a friend of one of my friends who hung out at the student lounge and one day they were playing apples to apples, they invited me to play. Crazy had a girlfriend but we became good friends fast. We were friends but we had a weird flirtation i never had any intentions of taking this anyhere other then friendship with him, but one day i was moving my furnature and i asked him to come over and help me, he took that as an invitation into my pants, it was not. He had a girlfriend and im not that type of girl. He left with blueballs. The next day i went into the lounge and his girlfriend as there. He left here there with me and i was expected to act like nothing happened. After that i stopped going to the lounge. Then i got involved with a guy i was with for 8 months and didnt hear from him, after we brokeup crazy emailed me apologised for everything and now single we made plans to hang out. Crazy was cute smart and seemed to be nice but the more we hung out the more he was like a winey obnoxous baby the only good thing about him was the sex which was quicky ruined by him speaking. I began getting royally fed up with him showing up when it was convient for him, drinking all my alcohol, fucking me, and then whineing about how unfair life is and how no girl will ever be good enough for him. One night i ended things men never go away they always have this way of showing up again and again. So like i said in the past 6 monthes ive heard from him three times including tonite and after 6 months he says to me "im in a mental institution. I win"

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