Tuesday, December 8, 2009

why not to date someone who is involved with anything musical

I breifely dated. Not even dated we hung out once and talked a few times via facebook. He was cool at first but then he started getting super creepy and i quickly lost interest. I just stopped talking to him and always had an excuse not to hang out i thought he would get the hint but he didnt eventually he texted me and asked me if i ws still into him or not and at that point not only was i not into him i was back with text boy. i told him and he basically told me i was a super douche and kinda disappeared from sight for a while. We will call this one "the rapper" because hes a rapper. SO since text boy and i broke up i noticed that the rapper has been posting more and more thinngs on face book and aim about how your man dumped you and you shoulda got with me when you had the chance blah blah. for example. this was posted on my aim tonite ""i see your bipolar status updates lifes great then ruined over and over found love but then you got crushed you shoulda got with me when you had the chance."... girl you k now who you are" the thing he leaves out is that hes totally unstable and completely nutso. I guess he doesnt know that hes unstable and nuts. Sometimes i seriously feel like im a magnet for unstable men. Im stable! Why do all these unstable men flock to me? Not only that but they go away, and then they always come back! My boss claims that this means im good in bed. I dont know if this is true because i really have no idea waht i do differently then any other girl. Honestly all i ever really dois show up. I mean is it even possible for a girl to be bad in bed? Ive definately experianced my fair share of bad sex but ive never had any complaints. As for coworker boy thats over and done and never again. By far the worst idea ive ever had. I actually like him, but im just going to have to figure out how to be happy for him and just ignore the weird flirtation thing going on between us. It never would have worked anyway.

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