Friday, December 4, 2009

Blind dates

One of the sucky things about being single is that your non single friends feel like it becomes their responsibility to set you up with every single tom dick and harry that they or boyfriend know. While this can sometimes work out for the best it more often then not ends in an awkward night and me feeling bad about myself. My friends lets call them Linda and Gerald, decided that they wanted to set me up with this friend of Geralds, lets call him Frank. Frank was one of those guys who looked great on paper, id met him before,breifly and he was good looking, going to a good college, had a car and a decent job which was a step from pretty much any guy id dated in the past so i was like sure why not.
I was kinda nervous from the begining because i know im not the type of girl that guys are lining up to take on dates. Im not saying im an ugly girl because im not an ugly girl. Im actually a pretty good looking girl. I have a really pretty face and big boobs, but im also a size 17. im not like star jones before the weightloss big but im certainly not paris hilton either. Lets say im larger then your average bear. So i was at work talking about my fears the other day infront of coworker boy to one of my friends that i work with. coworker boy then goes off on a tangent talking about how im insecure blah blah blah whatever. then goes on to talk incessiently about ugly girl. Ive decided that me and coworker boy go out of our way to try to make the other one jelous. its stupid and i feel like im 15 again. Its obvious to him that i like him if its not i should be. aparently its obvious that he likes me...i dont see it.
So i meet up with frank and gerald and linda at lindas house. Frank decides we should all go out for pizza. not for nothing but i work at a pizza shop (which he knew) that was the last place id want to be. Not for nothing but i feel like if i were a guy i wouldnt take a girl on a date to a pizza shop espically if i knew she worked at one. But anyway, when we first met he didnt act like he was appaled or disapointed at being set up with a fat chick so i chalked it up to being a good date. It all went down hill from there. we all got into geralds car and drove to this shop and frank sat across from me in almost complete silence i try to talk to him and he just gets all weird. for example id ask him what he did in his spare time and he would respond with "uhh uhh umm i dont know". Its like seriously you dont know what you do in your spare time? I thought maybe he was nervouse and would just have to warm up to me, nope he was just boring. Not only was he boring, he had no personality and no sense of humor, infact i dont think theres enough booze in the world to give this guy a personality. No wonder hes single. As if thats not bad enough Linda and Gerald decide that we should go back to their house and watch tv. Frank sugests we watch animal planet.... that is just plain creepy. After about 20 minutes of some weird documentary i decide that im "tired" and its time for me to go home. Frank doesnt offer to walk me to the car, doesnt even get off the couch, barely even says goodbye.
About an hour after i got home i got a call from linda basically apologising for the shitty date telling me that she knew i wasnt going to like him but that gerald insisted that we would be a great match (Gerald obvoisly doesnt know me very well), she also told me that "if it makes me feel any better he thought i was a little too much for him". Not for nothing how is telling me that the worlds most boring person thinks im a little too much for him suposed to make me feel anybetter? Because i actually have a personality and a sense of humor im too much? It doesnt actually bother me i just think its weird because i was actually tame. Usualy i do tend to be a littloe on the loud side and im a little wild, but i was very tame. I feel like i shouldve learned some sort of lesson here, i think that lesson is if he watches animal planet hes lacking something in the bedroom?

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